Friday, November 14, 2014

Home Manifesto

It can be really easy for me to get caught up in decorating, organizing, and making things pretty in our home, all the while forgetting the reason behind doing these things. I always seem to get distracted by one more project, or rearrange, or tweak, without really enjoying and using the space to its fullest... and isn't that the whole reason I wanted those projects, rearranges, and tweaks in the first place? I forget that although I love decorating and it is a continual process, sometimes it's ok for it to be a means to an end.

So I decided it was about time that I took some time to sit down, brainstorm, and come up with a manifesto for our home. A roadmap of sorts, to guide us to where we want to be when it comes to our home. To come back to when we I get caught up or distracted.

We want our home to be warm and inviting, fresh and invigorating. We want people to feel loved, accepted, and inspired in our home. We want our home to be a place where people can come as they are and where deep connecting happens. We want our home to radiate the joy of Jesus and convey care for all who enter.

Our home is a place of acceptance. Our home is a place where truth and love are spoken and beauty is seen in the imperfections. Our home is a place where things look pretty because that's fun, but if they don't, then that's ok—you're still welcome. Our home is a place for deep conversation and laughter, tears and cheers, parties and quiet times. Our home is a place where people are more important than things, good stewardship is more important than the American Dream, and authenticity is more important than self-protection.


People > Things
Our home and our stuff helps us serve other people and serves the needs of our family; we do not serve our home and our stuff. We will not be mastered by things and instead will use them for God's glory in our lives and the lives of those we touch.

Good Stewardship > American Dream
We will not go in debt or spend excessively in order to have the newest this-or-that. We will steward our money in a way that is honoring to God and will give our first fruits. We will not succumb to the American dream, but instead will be creative in the ways we use our money to create a home that reflects our vision and mission.

Authenticity > Self-protection
Rather than putting forward a fake version of who we are, our home is meant to display our genuine selves. Our home will reflect who we are and where we are at. We will not cover up, apologize for, or otherwise make excuses for our home, but instead embrace the season that God has us in. Our home should be a place where others feel comfortable to be real as well.


So there you have it. The Douglas family home manifesto. Our hopes and dreams for our home, no matter where we live. What about you? Have you ever thought about what your home conveys to others, how you want it to function, your vision, mission, or values?

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