Wednesday, January 1, 2014

14 in 14

Happy New Year! What better way to ring in a new year than by creating some new goals?? [Well... besides celebrating with family and loved ones, of course.] Here are 14 goals I have for the year of 2014... if they happen-- they happen, if not-- nobody's the wiser (besides all of you lovely people). So maybe these are more hopes and dreams rather than goals. I'm hoping for 2014 to be a bit more healthy, a tad more responsible, and a lot more creative! 
  1. Run a 5k
  2. Learn a new song on the guitar
  3. Live on a budget
  4. Try a recipe outside of my comfort zone
  5. Repurpose something
  6. Get a job (after EDGE Corps ends in May)
  7. Finish reading the Divergent Series (and see the movie of course.)
  8. Make [at least one] art journal, mini-album, or scrapbook
  9. Wear my hair in a style I've never done before
  10. Actually print and use something from my Printables board on Pinterest
  11. Purge my closet
  12. Memorize The Navigators' Topical Memory System (60 Bible verses)
  13. Knit something- scarf, blanket, headband...
  14. Keep up with the blog! 

What are your goals, your hopes and dreams for 2014?
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