Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Dreaming in Color

Guys!!! It's basically spring out! WHAT?? Ok, just kidding, you all know that because it's Minnesota and any time the snow so much as starts to think about melting that's all people talk about. But seriously. So. Great. 

Anywhooo... now that we got past that mandatory Midwestern-ism, let's get to business.

Spring makes me yearn for COLOR. It's that time of year where things turn from brown to green and little shoots of color are popping up everywhere! So, feeling very inspired by spring today, I wanted to share some of that inspiration here. Enjoy!


I've been obsessing over beautiful flowers lately. Don't believe me? Check out my pinterest. It's bad, guys. 


This BLT on steroids looks AMAZING!!! I need to make this. Like ASAP. It looks so summery and fresh! And colorful! :)


I'm totally digging these patterns and colors! I am such a sucker for aqua and mustard yellow together. I need more pillows in my life, I think. [Well, need might be a bit of an overstatement... more like want.]


Husband, if you're reading this, we ARE doing this once it gets warm enough. Sure, it may be tricky to find some isolated beautiful place like this in the city, but there are lots of not-so-isolated beautiful places that we could take the yummiest picnic to and watch the sun set. Or friends. Friends, if you're reading this we can do it too.

I hope that you all are enjoying this tiny taste of spring we've been enjoying lately. Put some color in your life! #midwestisbest


  1. You are lovely, HD, and you and I are totally on the same spring page. Yesterday, because I live in the South where it is now legitimately spring, I went to the garden center on my lunch break AND BOUGHT ALL THE BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS. Gardening is happening super soon (Lowes has really lovely turquoise planters..fyi). I LOVE SPRING.

    1. Ugh. I wish I was in the South where it's legitimately spring. It's only sorta-spring here. But I'll take it! That's so wonderful that you got to go to the garden center on your lunch break! Yay for pretty flowers! Yay for warmer weather! YAY FOR SPRING!


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