One of my favorite-ist blogs, A Beautiful Mess, bought, flipped (like hardcore), and donated a house to Habitat for Humanity. And let me tell you, it is a thing of beauty. They're sharing all their stunning before and afters, room-by-room, on their blog. Here's where you can find all of them. (Just to give you an idea of how much I love this blog, last night I had a dream about meeting Elsie (one of the sister bloggers) and I was super nervous and awkward. You guys, I am strange. Dreaming about meeting bloggers?! Seriously. I need to get out more.)

This book, Girls Like Us, is super duper good. Like doubly super duper. If you are interested at all in learning about human trafficking and sexual exploitation, start here! I will probably write more about it later, but just know this... you will not want to put this book down, as you read of true stories of girls and get a major education along the way. Get it here, or borrow it from your library, like I did (however, I will be purchasing it to reference, highlight, and share. It was just that good.) Also, check out my church's new anti-trafficking ministry, BASE.
This. Stuff. Yes, it looks like digested grass, but holy smokes is it delicious! You can get it at Trader Joe's for something like a couple bucks and it is like Indian heaven. Put it with some rice (or even pasta! I like Orzo) and some fish or chicken, and add spice as necessary. Easiest tastiest meal ever.
Welp, that's all I've got for you today. Go out there and enjoy the sunshine this weekend!