This February, Brian and I will be spending two weeks in Thailand and Cambodia to learn more about sex trafficking. We're going with two other people from our church who are also involved in a new anti-trafficking ministry, BASE. We will be meeting up with different ministries who are fighting trafficking and helping restore women and children who have been trafficked. Most of our time will be spent observing and learning as much as we can while also helping them do ministry. This trip will also serve as an exploration trip to see if any of the ministries we'll be visiting would be good options for future short-term trips.
We're excited for this trip for many reasons—to gain a broader understanding and scope of sex trafficking, to observe and interact with different ministries and missionaries and see how they do their work, to travel internationally together doing something that has Kingdom value and impact, to see God work in the support raising and preparations of the trip, and many more.
Would you pray for us? We know we will need prayer during the trip as it will be emotionally trying and physically tiring as we see things that just shouldn't be and experience jetlag and difficult hours of ministering during the night at strip clubs (Heather) and waking up early for flights. We also need prayers as we prepare—for the protection of our hearts and minds as well as trust in God to provide all that we need to go on this trip.
If you'd like to read more about the trip and the background behind why we're going, see our support letter.
If you'd like to join our team of financial supporters, click here. For "Trip/Project" select "S/T Bangkok (Base) 2/16" and then select us as the individual. Let us know if you have any questions! We are incredibly blessed by the generosity and emotional and spiritual support of our friends and family. Thank you!