It's been awhile since I've done a 'Freedom Friday' but I figured what a fitting time as we just celebrated the 4th of July. Independence Day. How blessed I felt yesterday as I had the freedom to hike, get lunch at Applebees, take a nap, learn more about Human Trafficking, and watch fireworks over the lake. I felt blessed because I know there are way too many people out there who do not have that freedom, and many- millions- due to the sex slave trade.
Last night before the fireworks we watched Nefarious: Merchant of Souls. It was my third time seeing the documentary [I wrote about it here] and it still impacted me just as much as the first time seeing it. Afterwards we had a pastor and his wife here in the Dells talk to us about their experience dealing with human trafficking as they've traveled the world, as well as the trafficking that is going on right here in the Wisconsin Dells.
The night was both heart-wrenching and hopeful, as the Gospel of Christ was proclaimed and as we cried upon His power and salvation for these many souls, His precious children.
The church that we had this event at supports Stop the Candy Shop, an initiative by Street Grace Ministries, an organization out of Atlanta, GA (the 3rd top trafficking city in the WORLD, by the way) that fights against the exploitation of children in the sex trade.
I stumbled upon Stop the Candy Shop a couple years ago when they were just coming out with their film, The Candy Shop. This film is a fairytale/parable about the child sex trafficking epidemic in Atlanta and all over the world. It is dark and disturbing (how could it be anything else, based on it's topic?), but also very well done and very thought-provoking.

Here's the trailer, if you're interested. You can view the whole film here.
Above all else, PRAY. Pray for these precious, sweet children. Pray for the johns. Pray for the pimps. Pray for hearts to be changed, justice to be served, lives to be saved, and ultimately for God's glory to be known.
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