Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Interior Inspiration: Black & White

I've really been digging black and white lately. Yeah, I know it's summer and I should be groovin' with the bright colors, or at least enjoying some nice light pastels, but there's just something so calming and peaceful about a simple black and white color palette. These photos inspire me to go a little more easy on color, and introduce more whites and neutrals, with little pops of black. 

1  //  2  //  3  //  4  //  5  //  6

I especially adore black and white in textiles—rugs, pillows, blankets, etc. Mixing and matching patterns is pretty much one of my love languages, and when you have a bunch that are all the same colors, the more the merrier! So I'm going to be keeping my eyes peeled for some more black and white... specifically pillows. 

The hubs and I are headed to Nebraska tomorrow for a loooong weekend and to celebrate Independence Day in the 4th of July capitol of the world! It will be great to see nearly all my extended fam and to enjoy some of that classic Nebraska heat. 

What are your plans for the holiday? And I'm curious... are you a fan of the black and white, or do you say bring on the color?

Monday, June 29, 2015

Our Wedding is Featured on The Knot!

Exciting news today... thanks to our fabulous photographer submitting our wedding, it has been featured on The Knot! It's fun to see how someone else interpreted our wedding and wrote about it! I wouldn't exactly say we're the most "organic" couple... haha. :)

Head on over there to see it!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

3 Infographics That Illustrate Trafficking

As I've been getting educated on the ins and outs of sex trafficking lately, I've found a couple of really helpful, really simple infographics [the very best combination, right??]. There are SO many different and important statistics and social issues that go along with this crime, but starting here seems right. So here are just a few to give you a base knowledge of who is buying sex (in MN), who is being trafficked (in the US), and where they are being trafficked (in the US). 

Be praying friends. So many sisters and brothers trapped in darkness. 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Exploring Justice // 10 Resources I Have Found Helpful

I've spent the last 6 or so months digging into the idea of justice. What does it look like? What does the Bible have to say about it? How are others living it out in their daily lives? What can I do about the things I am passionate about?

As I've been reading and talking and researching, I've discovered some pretty great books, blog posts, articles, etc. And just in case anybody else is as interested in this topic as much as I am right now, I figured I'd share some of them with you.

First, start here. These are my basics right now.
1. She Reads Truth Justice Study
This 13 day study has been proving helpful as it has provided me with tons of scripture, as well as thoughts from some of the leaders of social justice today. This is a great place to start to get a Biblical understanding of justice and be encouraged along the way.

2. 4 Ways to Overcome Compassion Fatigue
I just read this article by Relevant Magazine this morning and found it very encouraging and practical! It's easy to be passionate about a certain (or many!) issue(s), but sometimes it can get overwhelming. It reminds me about when I wrote about starting with a little.

3. When Helping Hurts
I'm only a couple chapters in (and yes, this book is technically aimed at poverty, which isn't the only justice issue) but I have really appreciated the solid foundation that it is giving me in terms of helping others in healthy ways. This book is pretty academic in nature, but I have loved the charts and illustrations, along with the real-life scenarios provided. Definitely a must-read for if you are wanting to get a deeper, research-driven, best practice approach to helping others.

And here are 3 books all on different topics... all amazing, all a quick read, all a different take on living out justice.
4. Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker // Poverty, homelessness, local, church
5. Rhinestone Jesus by Kristen Welch// Kenya, teen moms, abuse,
6. Fallen by Annie Lobert// Sex Trafficking, prostitution, redemption

And last, but not least, 4 blog posts for you to get you thinking.
7. Dear World: Let's Stop Giving Our Crap to the Poor
8. # Blessed
9. On Being "Healed of Being a Big Deal"
10. Rich and Poor | The Question That Wrecked Us Both

Bonus: Books I plan on reading once I get the chance.
Generous Justice by Tim Keller
Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands by Paul Tripp
Girls Like Us by Rachel Lloyd

So I'm curious—do you have anything you'd add to this list?

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