Happy New Year! What better way to ring in a new year than by creating some new goals?? [Well... besides celebrating with family and loved ones, of course.] Here are 14 goals I have for the year of 2014... if they happen-- they happen, if not-- nobody's the wiser (besides all of you lovely people). So maybe these are more hopes and dreams rather than goals. I'm hoping for 2014 to be a bit more healthy, a tad more responsible, and a lot more creative!
- Run a 5k
- Learn a new song on the guitar
- Live on a budget
- Try a recipe outside of my comfort zone
- Repurpose something
- Get a job (after EDGE Corps ends in May)
- Finish reading the Divergent Series (and see the movie of course.)
- Make [at least one] art journal, mini-album, or scrapbook
- Wear my hair in a style I've never done before
- Actually print and use something from my Printables board on Pinterest
- Purge my closet
- Memorize The Navigators' Topical Memory System (60 Bible verses)
- Knit something- scarf, blanket, headband...
- Keep up with the blog!
What are your goals, your hopes and dreams for 2014?